What Is Easier Bootcamp Or Parallels For Mac

  1. Which Is Better Boot Camp Or Parallels
  2. Should I Use Boot Camp Or Parallels
  3. What Is Easier Boot Camp Or Parallels For Mac
  4. What Is Easier Bootcamp Or Parallels For Mac Free

Which Is Better Boot Camp Or Parallels

Chris wants to use his new Macbook Pro for both Mac OS X and Windows. Since he has plenty of hard drive space, Leo recommends using BootCamp. BootCamp turns the Mac into a 'dual-boot' machine. Import your boot camp installation into a standalone virtual machine (so changes done within the virtual Windows will not reflect within the boot camp Windows). 3.) Use the virtual machine for main purposes and have the boot camp as a backup (or for utilizing certain functions that work best in real Windows PC's). What is better, using bootcamp or Windows or Parallels. With parallels the computer only uses one processor so it's slower to work with, but it also has advantages like time machine backup and intergrating with MAC. Bootcamp uses 2 processors so is faster I think. I have experienced some problems with Parellels lile crashes and so on. VMware Fusion 3 just removed all the nicer features VMware had and Parallels did not. Generally Parallels' problem is the GUI. Fusion's GUI is better thought-out. But between Parallels and Fusion 3, it's not as clear-cut any more. I use Fusion 2 on my desktop and Parallels 4 on my laptop (boot camp).


I have a Macbook Pro that my parents got me. One of their reasons is that I could do my homeschool work on it. My problem is that the homeschool software, Switched-On Schoolhouse, requires Windows XP, Vista, or 7. I want to know these things:

  1. Which is easier to install?
  2. Which will work better for me? (Performance, switching from OS's, simplicity)
  3. What do I need for each installation? (I don't want both)

Another thing I've read about is that I needed a Mac OS X Lion Driver Disk. I don't have that because Lion came with my Mac already installed, and I don't want to spend a lot of money to get that, Windows 7 Installation Disk, and the Switched-On Schoolhouse Software ($400 dollars I think). Also, how do I backup my files in OS X Lion? I have no other external drives, just the laptop.

Should i use boot camp or parallelsWhat Is Easier Bootcamp Or Parallels For Mac

Should I Use Boot Camp Or Parallels

What Is Easier Boot Camp Or Parallels For Mac

Please help,


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

What Is Easier Bootcamp Or Parallels For Mac Free

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