Uninstall Parallels Desktop 6 For Mac

If you have already installed Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7 on your Mac using Boot Camp, you can set Parallels Desktop to run Windows from the Boot Camp Partition or import Windows and your data from Boot Camp into Parallels Desktop as a new virtual machine. Does anyone know the correct way to uninstall Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac? The instructions in the KB start at Parallels Desktop 12 and say you just need to delete the app.

Active9 months ago

Some friend wanted to try to install Windows on my Mac using Parallels Desktop 9. But he failed and left a mess up on my Mac.

Uninstall Parallels Desktop 6 For Mac

How could I totally remove that stuff (the app and the Windows system)?

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1 Answer

They have knowledgebase articles on how to do that.


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